Different types of Mercedes service
Did you buy a new Mercedes for yourself after waiting for an eternity to save money? Then it could also be more fruitful for you to learn everything about Mercedes service if you don’t want your Mercedes to become a burden after recently acquiring it directly from the luxury cars showroom. Moreover, it would be more beneficial for you to take your Mercedes to service at regular intervals as per requirement. Remember that Mercedes is not a common car that most people can buy due to constraints in their budget. That is why here in this article, we have discussed Mercedes service, its types, and everything you need to know about it.
How Frequently Should You Take Your Car for A Service?
If you want the question to be answered in general, then it should be what your car manufacturer suggests to you in the manual. Sometimes they specifically mention a certain number of miles or a time interval depending upon the usability of your car. Most European car manufacturers say that their cars require less servicing. Some even go to the extent of suggesting after every 25,000 km. However, that fact shouldn’t get you relaxed about your own Mercedes. Because it would be more beneficial for you to take the Mercedes to servicing early for saving up the huge cost that could be billed if your Mercedes was not repaired at the right time.
But some service experts suggest that 10,000 km or once every 12 months should be a good idea to maintain your car in its prime. And if it is a Mercedes service then also it should be at intervals, which the manufacturer has suggested. This interval is 10,000 miles or after a year whichever comes first. After that you can service your Mercedes approximately after 20,000 miles or after 2 years depending upon your preference.
Types Of Mercedes Service
Mercedes services are classed into two categories: Service A and Service B. The company has created its Flexible Service System which categorically divides the services into the two above mentioned services.
- Service A
It is the first visit that the owner pays to the service centre after purchasing the car. That should be approximately 10,000 miles or 1 year ideally depending upon the usage of the Mercedes. After that, you can take your car and drive it around 20,000 miles or two years effectively. Here are all the items listed on your Mercedes service.
- Replacement of Mercedes-Benz motor oil.
- Replacement of filters
- Inflation of tyres and their check.
- Fluid-level inspections and corrections if needed.
- Resetting the maintenance counter
- Brake component inspections
- Service B
Mercedes service B is after the 20,000 miles or 2 years from the first service. From then on you can take your car every 20,000 miles or 2 years without having to worry about servicing. Here are the things that would be included in your Mercedes service B: -
- Renewal of Mercedes-Benz motor oil
- Fluid level inspections and required rectification
- Oil filter changes
- Inflation of tyres, their checks and corrections if needed
- Combination filter or cabin dust filter replacements
- Checking out the brakes and their constituent components
- Exchange of brake fluids
- Maintenance counter resetting
- Express service
- Another Mercedes service, namely Express Service is available for the owners of such cars. It can be availed with or without a prior booking. That should be achieved in less than an hour or even less. Here 2 technicians will work on your car with the latest tools ensuring speedy delivery of your car. For this service you would be getting: - Service A/B
- Air or cabin filter replacements
- Wiper blade replacements
- Rotation of tires and replacement
- Replacement of battery
- Rotors or brake pads replacements
- Warranty and recall work
- AMG 2,000 Mile Break-In Service

While rounding off, it would be a wise thing to remind you that Service A and B differ on many points. Moreover, the Mercedes services differ from model to model. So, you cannot expect a lower-end car to receive the same treatment as a higher-end model. The services differ again based on their fuel. Hence, it would be better to leave for your dealer to choose, which service could be more beneficial for your car.
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