What is a Medical Crash Cart?
A crash cart is a type of trolley that is used in hospitals to transport any emergency medicines that are required for saving someone’s life. One of the major benefits of these trolleys is their contribution to increasing the efficiency of the doctors in saving lives during emergency situations. These trolleys also help in assisting the doctor when the patient is saying, near a cardiac arrest. When the emergency supplies become handy for a doctor the chances of saving lives are increased exponentially.
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Medical Crash Cart |
The best physical description of the medical crash cart can be stated as it is a trolley on four wheels consisting of a numerous number of drawers. However, there is no fixed number of drawers that has to be present in a trolley to make it a crash cart. This crash cart contains all the essential drugs and tools which are required for a patient who happens to face a life threatening attack or accident.
This method was first adopted in the year 1965 and since then it has been in regular use all over the world. You will find that most hospitals today always have a protocol to have a medical crash cart ready. This is a great way of ensuring that no mishaps take place due to medical negligence and maximum lives are saved at the right time.
The contents of the medical crash cart normally include drugs such as atropine, dopamine, epinephrine, lidocaine, sodium bicarbonate, vasopressin, nitroglycerin, dextrose and other such drugs which are prescribed by the facility in which you are situated. The cart also includes tools such as defibrillators, bag valve mask and suction devices. These are the common things that are supposed to present in the cart but there is no hard and fast rule of having each and every item on the list. The contents depend upon the type of treatment that the carts are assigned to serve.
Advantages of Using A Medical Crash Cart
As you can see that there are many advantages which are involved with using such a cart. Therefore let us discuss some of the advantages that we can get.
Low Maintenance
The one thing that hospital staff does not want is more maintenance work to do. A hospital is likely to be infected with all kinds of germs and it is the duty of the staff to maintain the cleanliness in the hospital. Any negligence or compromise with regard to cleanliness can affect the health of other patients. Therefore, the medial crash cart is boon in disguise in such situations. Maintaining a medical crash cart is very easy as it can be cleaned by simply swiping on a regular basis. Hence this is a great advantage that we cannot ignore.
Brakes and Other Features
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Medical Crash Cart |
Since these carts are going to bring out during an emergency, it must be ensured that the nursing staff is able to navigate the cart through the hospital without any hassle. For this purpose, the medical crash cart has been fitted and upgraded with many features over the years to ease out the process of carrying the things around. There is a break installed in it which is very helpful for the staff to control the motion of the cart. Along with the brake feature, we find that the cart is not very prone to get toppled easily which reduces the work of the nursing staff to carry it and helps them to concentrate on issues that are much more important.
These are some of the major advantages that we get from using the medical crash carts which cannot be ignored at any costs. Medical crash carts are lifesaving equipment and hence it is necessary of all the hospitals to keep them ready for any emergencies.
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