The Goodness Of Expert Spinal Physiotherapy

January 11, 2019
Generally, people get physiotherapies to cure and reduce their back pain and when there is severe pain in any joints because physiotherapist is an expert in increasing your strength and removing your pain. Nowadays our medical science has done so many latest advancements in the field of spinal physiotherapy. Expert spinal physiotherapy is certainly the first line of treatment for back pain and has no chances of complications as compared to surgery. Expert spinal physiotherapy can be as effective as surgery as per the several studies conducted in this subject. Exercise rehabilitation has the ability to reduce the pain which is associated with the condition called lumbar spinal stenosis, one of the major causes of back pain amongst the elderly people.

A physiotherapist will do your muscle stretching and will give you proper massage therapy with neurodynamic exercises and acupuncture. Normally you will get these spinal physiotherapists at a rehabilitation centre.

The pain is caused due to the compression of the various nerves present in the back. The discs, vertebrae, ligaments and muscles present in the spinal column to a large extent worn away along with the increasing age. This is the major reason which this condition occurs. The pain which is associated with this condition increases when the patient walks or stands and they usually feel better when they bend forward from the waist. This is the actual reason why the elderly people are often seen to hunch over a walker or cane. This medical condition can be relieved to a certain extent with the help of expert spinal physiotherapy. 

Spinal Physiotherapy
Spinal Physiotherapy
For the patients with this condition, the doctors used to suggest surgery as the only option as the medical science does not have any alternative treatment for this medical condition. But in the recent years with the advancements in the alternative modes of therapies, the expert spinal physiotherapy has proved to be one of the alternate methods of treating this condition and also have least chances of complications like surgery.

Research was published in Annals of Internal Medicine where 481 patients were chosen randomly few for surgeries and few for physiotherapy. Surprisingly, most of the chosen patients avoided being assigned in the non-surgical group. However, 169 patients agreed to participate in the survey. Out of these, 87 patients had surgery whereas 82 were being assigned physiotherapy. At the beginning of the survey, it was ensured that all the patients chosen were above 50 years of age. They did not have any underlying medical conditions like vascular disease, dementia, prior heart attack or cancer.

These patients who were chosen had the ability to walk at least one-fourth of a mile without much difficulty. Patients who were in the surgery group were a little younger and the average age was 67 whereas the patient group receiving physiotherapy had an average age of 70 years. The group which was under the physiotherapy session was made to undergo a strict regimen of physiotherapy which has two sessions per week.

Surprisingly, the researchers ended up discovering that the participants of the surgical and physiotherapy session have achieved the same reduction in the symptoms and pain after a couple of years of observation. Thus, the conclusion of the research was that both the procedures of surgery as well as physiotherapy are the preferred lines of treatment. As per the findings of several reputed doctors, the conclusion is that surgeries can 15 per cent of the times be life-threatening to the patients whereas physiotherapy involves no probable danger.


This has been proved multiple times that the expert spinal physiotherapy can be a great line of treatment and can help cure the back pain and other pains considerably.                  

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