How to Tackle A Burst Pipe All by Yourself or By Calling in A Plumber?

The plumbing network of the house is one of the most important networks. Homeowners have to be extremely careful when it comes to the care and maintenance of this crucial system of the house. The plumbing system is concerned with the constant flow of water and waste disposal and if it is not taken care of, then it can cause serious and fatal accidents and mishaps.

There are still, however, many problems one might face over a period, making them realize how crucial it is to have a regular check of the network. One of the most common and probably dangerous problems is tackling a sudden burst pipe. To manage a burst pipe and to assure no potential damage takes place is a very difficult task. You need to check with the local and emergency plumbers to get an idea about fixing the burst pipes. You can use the DIY methods, but expert and professional plumbers have their own way and instruments for dealing with.

Burst Pipe
Burst Pipe

Shutting Down The Flow of Water Immediately:

• It is advisable to shut down the flow of water completely in such cases. In this way, the leaks taking place will be under control. A burst pipe can often take place due to frozen water inside the pipes as well. When a pipe is frozen, the water expands to approximately 9% and thus, the pipe bursts open from its weakest spot. In such cases, closing the valve of water flow is the best solution to prevent potential damage.

• Now that the pipe has an open leak and there is a constant flow of water, you might want to clear all that excess unwanted water and mop it away. Use a mug or mop and bucket and wipe away all the leaking wary as soon as possible so that nobody in the house to prone to slip and fall due to the slippery floor caused by the burst pipe.

• You should also keep in mind that in countries where due to extreme heat and cold pipes burst due to expansion and contraction; you should take care of the plastic and the metallic pipes so that they do not burst during extreme climatic changes.

Going for Immediate Solutions for a Burst Pipe:

• To prevent further flow of water from the burst pipe, you can place a piece of rubber on the leak. The rubber helps in stopping the water from leaking out from the crack. In this way, you can avoid the additional flow of water while wiping away the rest of it from the plumber. It can hold the water inside the pipe for a good long period.

Burst Pipe
Burst Pipe
• In case of frozen pipes, you might want to heat the pipe so that the water melts down and flows properly from the crack of the burst pipe. This way you will be able to clean and clear the pipe for all at once. Heating the pipe from the crack is a good idea for dealing properly with such pipes.

• For much better management, you can add a wooden block over the piece of rubber before adding the clamp for support. This is a great way of improvisation if you do not have the necessary tools. The wooden block provides support to the pipe, prevents water from leaking further and avoids the burst pipe from collapsing completely.

All of this can be avoided easily by having a regular check of the pipes and the plumbing system, ensuring all the required valves are functioning properly and everything is under control, with frequent checks, such situations can be avoided.

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